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tv   KRON 4 Morning News  KRON  April 2, 2014 7:00am-10:01am PDT

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richmond district, closer to the marina district you will need to use your wipers for your right to san leandro. if that is the extent, we're starting to dry things out in fact, the rain right now is nothing compared to what we experienced last night, the wind has died down. no moderate to heavy rain, the temperatures are in the 40's, low 50's. for the afternoon a mixture of sun and clouds spread by 3:00 p.m., the temperatures will be in the upper 50s. we do have big changes to talk about, including 70's and 80's in the forecast. i will have before the tell what to expect coming up for it >> we're still watching slow traffic on highway 4, the westbound direction. it is jammed up out towards will pass, this is because of an earlier car accident, even with that, slow traffic, the
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drive time is four minutes better than a typical commute at 34 minutes. >> the traffic is still generally lighter than usual on this wednesday morning. >> the u.s. attorney has now officially filed an indictment against pg&e for the pipeline explosion that killed eight people three years ago. the indictment filed charges pg&e with 12 felonies, accusing the company of violating federal pipeline lost. according to the indictment, they concede willfully used false and incomplete information when they check the safety of the pipeline. a conviction of paul 12 cows could cost them $6 million. >> pg&e have released a statement on the 12th count indictment. they express their regret about the incident and all who were affected. >> we are deeply sorry. regardless of the legal
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step, we want all of our compacustomers and families and to note that we're going to do what we can to not have this happen again. >> they continue to make strides in the aftermath, the agency recently opened a new gas control center and the are now attempting to repair pipelines that are at risk. >> senator jerry hill has been very outspoken about the san bruno explosion. he joins us now on the phone. >> tell us what your reaction is to the charges. >> the first thing is a part that was that the citizens and the residents will now seek justice. they did not sit, but i think this is the first opportunity and the c
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e 00 pg&e is doing a good thing by bring the system of today. there were so far behind. it will take them a lot a money but he did state that it was an accident, you can see that they have 12 felony counts, federal counts of violations. when you look at the indictments, you concede that it really was not an accident, it was found to happen and because of their intentional actions, they diverted that money to bonuses, that was for their executives, that is the difference, i do not think it was an accident. >> do you think people a pg&e should pursue be held accountable? >> yes, absolutely. the former ceo that left with a golden parachute, after this happened, legislation tried to get a hold of those but it died career they did not
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get far, if there are violations, any bonuses or extensions that should be paid back, they should not be rewarded. >> should there be something for to come out? >> i do not think we will see anything from the government because they are already limiting what they could charge. they were limited in what they could charge and because of the corporation-fashion that is really what we're seeing this problem. >> house say this is the pipelines? >> they are not there yet, they have to still go with what i pipes were in line and their conditions. they
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still have to 011 lead and how it was ignited by this pilot light in it. this is because of their poor record-keeping, they still have a long way to go and their intentions are good, that one faces but you cannot exist an accompanying and do the type of work that they have done in the past. >> that is so much a jerry hill. >> until this morning, a tree stand for nearly 100 years has now fallen kron4 will tran is live with the scene along eldorado ever go in oakland. >> you concede this bmw here, i will talk with that owner shortly. this person who just arrived out here, his car is loath to the ground because this massive tree came down. unfortunately, the homeowner, it went the other way. unfortunately, for his
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car nobody was inside at the time, there was no injuries, no deaths. you concede that the sun is up the lookout close this was a this home. had it not been on the site, it would have ripped this in half. it wiped out power, but as far as this neighborhood, the 500 block of el dorado, the power has been restored there's no problem this morning the fire department cut the street, it is not in the roadway, you can drive down the street with no problems. >> the owner of this bmw, he came out this morning, he called his insurance company, here is his reaction. >> it could have been a lot worse. i am glad that no one was in these cars. >> were you home at the time? >> no, i was not at home, i was with my friends last night i came home, to see this scene would fire trucks. there were trying to
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remove this live wire grid >> any concern? >> i had no indication that this would happen. >> my insurance companies want to take care of everything, >> did you so much. they split, he was on driving this car, and he got home, his shock could have been injured. he suffered the least amount of damage because you concede, the street, what do the back of his window, that would just have to replace his window, do some other repairs but he suffered the least, this car on the other hand, it is just tol totaled. >> coming up on kron4 morning news. san francisco
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snow border went missing in the sierra but has now been found. we will tell you anncr: at jennie-o we heard of a place in iowa where every thursday people ride 10 miles for tacos. we thought we'd show up and surprise them with a better kind of taco made with jennie-o ground turkey cooked thoroughly to 165. i feed my kids turkey tacos over regular tacos any day. i think they are light and they are just fresh tasting. yeah. when i eat well, i feel well. anncr: it's time for a better taco. the tacos tonight were pretty much perfect. make the switch. look for jennie-o ground turkey in a store near you.
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>> welcome back. here is a live look at the san mateo bridge, it is a very sunny right at the toll plaza. the volume is up in the westbound direction and the drive time is at 50 minutes we are is a debt free across the span and we are not tracking any hot spots.
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>> the time is 7:10 a.m.. a snow border from san francisco went missing in a back country of the sierra what he has been found alive. 26 year-old abraham finkelstein vanished monday in the terrain that included the steep hills. last night, he found a house miles away from where he went missing and called for help. he was with his dad when they were separated. his father made it down. in a near wipeout condition, he was taken to hospital to be treated for hypothermia. >> >> still ahead. there is new
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questions for the new ceo of general motors after facing another day of tough questions. >> new findings and the disappearance of the malaysian airliner 370 in what investigators are now saying about the passengers. what investigators are now saying about the passengers. [ grunting ] i'm taking off, but, uh, don't worry. i'm gonna leave the tv on for you. and if anything happens, don't forget about the new xfinity my account app. you can troubleshoot technical issues here. if you make an appointment, you can check out the status here. you can pay the bill, too. but don't worry about that right now. okay. how do i look? ♪ thanks. [ male announcer ] troubleshoot, manage appointments, and bill pay from your phone. introducing the xfinity my account app.
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>> welcome back. we have partly cloudy skies in fairfield s.f. 43 degrees and warmer in san mateo at 45. oakland is at 47 degrees this afternoon we will see plenty of 67 temperatures are three to seven degrees cooler. redwood city will have a high of 61. in similar conditions for the east and you can anticipate a mixture of sun and clouds. itouch warmer for castro valley and upper 50s along the coast. we will be dry for today, most of tomorrow also. later the men on thursday, the possibility this system
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is mainly in the north. a few coastal showers. you may run into wet road ways on friday morning. >> here is a look at the seven day run the bay, a little bit of rain over the next couple of days but past that, back in the sunshine, warmer conditions, seven is for sunday and back in the '80s next week. the time is 7:16 a.m.. >> the road sensors are telling the story and what a--we are seeing lighter than normal to ride because of this spring break, no school buses. this is backed up just beyond the 880 over crossing from the nimitz freeway, the shore freeway hardly any delays. is it pretty easy trip across the
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upper deck. the san mateo bridge and volume is building up the drive time is between 13 to 50 minutes on westbound. it is possible tha w may sto15 minutes. the rid san rafael bridge is on to back up but the fasttrack is still moving freely. take a look at the traffic maps, the east shore freeway ride, very little congestion 90 minutes westbound, 24 and southbound 680 are all lighter than usual. >> we have problems on highway 4 but overall the drive time for antioch to concord is still less than usual. >> the san ramon valley is sayin that's that's the dublin traffic is looking better
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now that that problem has been cleared. 18 minutes from the capitol expressway to the montague expressway for 1 01 northbound. southbound is still under 30 minutes to the golden gate bridge. >> the latest on the death of the napa but toddler kayleigh slusher, today, the mother and boyfriend will be in court this morning for a preliminary hearing. both have pleaded not guilty to the charges and prosecutors said she died of blunt force trauma. >> general motors ceo mary barra is facing more questions on capitol hill today. she told a house subcommittee hearing yesterday that the automaker will slow in morning customers about these a defective switches. gm has recalled 2.6 million cars in recent weeks.
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>> chrysler is recalling 870,000 suv for a brake defect. the jeep grand cherokee and the dodge durango from 2011 to 2014. the automaker is saying that crime and drugs and the brake boosters can corrode if they are exposed to water. the chrysler stated that they have since chains is designed to make these boosters more corrosion resistant. >> the death toll in washington continues to grow. right now 28 people are dead and 20 still remain missing. these ages range from four months to 71 years old. >> the latest with the molemissing malaysia an airliner. today
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investigators have now cleared all the passengers on that flight for any role in the plane's disappearance. after a week- long criminal investigation, malaysian police say that meanwhile, the intense search for this debris is continuing. 10 aircraft from seven different countries and nine ships are still searching. the first flights from the current surge are expected to return this morning. >> a former navy u.s. intelligence agent who was convicted of spying for his role may be released. jonathan pollard has been serving a life sentence since 1987. his imprisonment was strained that stance has strained u.s. relations with israel. if he is set free,
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it will lead to a final peace settlement. if it fails, it could be a costly embarrassment for the united states. >> for the first time in more than seven years, no u.s. military forces have died in afghanistan. this is only the third time this has happened since the war began 12 years ago. the other months were january 2007 and july 2002. 14 u.s. combat deaths have occurred this year in afghanistan, 7 each in january and february. in all, 2309 military members have died in afghanistan since hostilities began. >> we will have people behaving badly coming up.
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[doorbell rings] hey. hey. what's this? it's u-verse live tv. with at&t u-verse... you can watch live tv from your device. hey. hey. anywhere in your home. [doorbell rings] hey. hey. so you won't miss a minute of ncaa march madness. call now to get a u-verse bundle for the same great price for 2 years. guaranteed.
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>> (male annoucer): now here is stanley roberts who found some people behaving badly. >> this this durant avenue in san leandro and this is the same street in oakland. the streets look the same but they have differences. >> on the open side, the speed limit is 30 mi.. on san leandro, the speed limit is 25. >> i am not making this up. on the open side they have trash and mattresses. on san leandro, they have trash.
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they both share the same problem, speeders. >> this is the main drag for getting to the freeway or to macarthur. or if you're out are born to 14. >> actually, this is not the main drag, drivers are treated this way. it has became so bad that they have installed speed bumps. apparently, the speed bumps are just what they are. the driver still ski over them like this driver, and this driver, and this driver. >> well, i guess it is safe to say that they're not doing the trick. just be clear, speed is not new. >> back in the '60s, they use the posted speed limit signs on this pole, they used to write down the license plate numbers. >> another problem, no trucks over this is permitted. that is also
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ignored and cars are also getting sideswiped. some drivers have just parked on the sidewalk. >> this is where it is interesting. one would think that two cities would have a double police coverage of the think again. oakland pd just ignores it. this was damaged by a street pursuit, president's stated that there were chasing someone and issues to be a tree but now it is a stunt. >> residents have gotten together to reclaim it to slow people down and they have performed a task force in hopes that this will get information out. in oakland and san leandro stanley roberts kron 4 news. >> the sole winner of the feb. $425 million power jackpot has now come for to
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claim his prize. the bay area man raymond buxton suggested he purposely chose april fool's day to turn his ticket. he shoulder to collect his fortune. he will get a cash option of about $242 million before taxes. he says he will use some of the winnings to travel and to set up charitable foundations for children. >> coming up on kron 4 news. a warning to students and parents and east bay. girls in one community are getting groped on their way to school. >> we will also look at how much impact recent storms have had on the sierra snowpack.
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bulldog: [whimpering] has your old bed got you in a twist? well, mattress discounters has up to 48 months interest-free financing. plus, mattress discounters has the largest selection of memory foam mattresses under one roof! queen-size memory foam mattress sets as low as $697! now what's best about 48 months interest-free financing at mattress discounters? it's 28 years in dog financing. ♪ mattress discounters
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729 rain now in new this morning. if a tree falls and no one in oakland here is a default. it sure did. kron4's will tran is taking a look at the damage. >>: these are the sound sleepers you ever heard in your life. but there was one person who heard it and her name is rachel who lives at that house. that's our tree house. that's the latter she climbs up to her tree house. she and her family moved in around december and then this tree came down around to 05 last night. rachel kind enough to come out and talk to us for it what did you hear at this time >>: i heard a big bank but i was asleep so i only have a little bank. but i saw funder. i heard the alarm go
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off and and then i just thought it was. i did not think it was much and i went back to sleep in my brother woke me a up. i thought it was a prank but it wasn't. >>: did you lose power as well >>: ps. the cable things of my house went off. >>: a little scared i would imagine >>: yes. we had to turn on many flashlights and candles. >>: up what a brave lady. i feel so bad for her. look at her tree house. if >>: with this car. is suffered the worst damage. everyone is on the phone calling their insurance.
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yesterday was your birthday to write >>: yes. i was parked there. a couple of my friends and i were having dinner for my birth date and i cannot afterwards, walk down the street, ran back up. obviously i see it the tree down and this was the last i checked. at the time you could not see anything. it was pretty covered so the only part i could see was the headlights and that's what i recognized. >>: keep in mind this is our only modes of transportation she calls her boss of vent their bosses understand it. and when a live in a big city i felt bad for her because parking as a premium here sought thinking just like her. people love ps i have parking >>: and her birthday is
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april fool's. she had to have lived for a lot of pranks and stupid things on her birthday now >>: did you think it was a joke? the proposed and all of a sudden it's have vents. >>: it's a rather cruel joke. but it is a given that day and slyly funny if i don't think about how frustrating it is. >>: >>: i'm going to a something of facebook. maybe someone will donate something to her. >>: look after your birthday. >>: at least it wasn't in said. five--at least she
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wasn't dead. >>erica: warmer weather is next. i will be tracking your extended forecast with a look at the 7 day around the bay forecast. i will also let you know '80s are back in the forecast. the 734 let's take a look rose now with george. >>george: this is another day of the week where we're seem lighter than usual traffic because of spring break. if it's evident here in the south bay. take a look of the south bay freeway 3685 a much lighter than usual ride. as is 280. some congestion on the guadalupe parkway but not as
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bad as usual. >>: 101 of the northbound direction is just 80 minutes from the capitol expressway to the montague expressway which could easily be a 28 minute drive time on an ordinary day of the week without any other problems. two incidents this week won on monday morning at 1 on tuesday morning both happening around 730 am both happening just about 3 mi. of cards. police say a man came up to an underage girl wrapped around the backside. unfortunately for police that judge fortunately they got a picture of the suspect. you can't really tell of this is that you can see the person is wearing a blue jacket. this on the intersection of. drive them violent way. please a man likely in his '40's grab up called grabbed the girls a
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bud and left. --grabbed the girls butt. i just spoke with a former substitute teacher and she tells me these incidents are a big cause for concern. >>: i agree for the man that's doing this. because he's sick. he's perverted. his fellow forever. why is he doing this. . the police tell me that both of these incidents the girls were walking by themselves. i can't say i've seen a couple of police officers walking through this neighborhood since the incidents. >>: >>mark: also a pleasant hill to people have been arrested
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in connection with a violent home invasion robberies. police said robbery happened on sunday night when a man with a gun forced themselves inside a woman's home. the maalox the woman and her mother and a room is all a bunch of things including the victim's car. then yesterday police got a tip that led them to a man they think rob those woman named david vancil. >>darya: state officials in california snow pack is only at 32 percent of normal at a time of year when it is supposed to hit its peak. the california department of water resources says measurements taken in the sierra nevada yesterday indicate no real relief from that drought 3 it's still a dry year. results of the study predicted challenging summer for california farmers to communities facing water restrictions. the recent storms have
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helped boost the snowpacks water levels but have not been enough to reverse the drought. still ahead on the kron4 morning news? an april fool's prank that nobody thinks was very funny.
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>>george: welcome back to the kron4 morning news as we take a live look outside was a quick traffic check. if pretty good conditions of the with getting a little slower around mid span towards the base of the high rise. the drive times are still between 15 and 60 minutes and were into that free for your drive and there. >>: on a an april fool's joke landed a college employee in trouble with the law in south carolina. she said the text message to her daughter about a possible shooting average and in college aninb spartanburg where she works.
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the daughter took the message seriously call 911 emergency crews swarmed campus 3 it turns out it was all prank no one is laughing especially the shares department. the daughter made the 911 call will not be charged because she did not know it was a joke. in a facebook posting school officials said they were very disappointed and the poor judgment in mistreated by their employees.
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>>george: the drive time this morning is a just running right on edge track at 36 minutes. and that's based on normal calculations is exactly where it should be and we've really vent incident free for this stretch of the nimitz freeway though there were problems reported were a vehicle fire. but there were no delays. your bay bridge ride. you can see it's not bad at all. good
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morning gary. saw was just teasing baseball was stanford i was sandy bay area's new sweetheart in abidjan on thinking about. >>: stephen curry. i've decided he is the bay area's sweethearts. he is the apple of my eye. there may have to make a decision. he made the
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game-winning shot i just love him. >>: one-tenth of a second. >>: you love every one who wins. i want to see the same love when they lose. >>: and what i was realizing he was replacing my love of tim lincecum. a sort of like i feel like my kids grew up. the by timmy hello stephen.
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and the stanford women are going to the final four. >>: she's terrific.
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warm and flaky croissant sandwiches made with fresh egg and melting cheese. so you made some bad decisions last night. make a good one this morning. try my... choose supreme or sausage. right now they're 2 for just $3.50. c'mon cody, let's get some breakfast. you drive. i traded the car for the tattoo.
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much does that actually cause to take your family to the ballpark. it will take a look at what teams charged the most. >>: move over sports, we will take you to a place where children are learning how to make technology and not just consume them. it's in the tech report coming up.
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in the tech report coming up. tillamook sharp cheddar is naturally-aged for nine months for that creamy delicious taste that makes even the most impatient, patient. dude! tillamook sharp cheddar, tastes better because it's made better.
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kron4 news update starts now. >>: good morning on this wednesday morning i'm darya folsom and im mark danon. let's start with our forecast with erica kato. >>erica: mainly sunny skies just 15 minutes ago but we do have some dark clouds on the horizon as you could say
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if they are high clouds. the same story is true for most of the bay area with temperatures mainly in the forties. such as we head into the afternoon of expect cool conditions. rain really not a factor anymore. if you could see showers continue to associate outside of the bay area. we'll have more rain as we head into late tomorrow night. of the tracking that portion of the forecast was highlighted warmer conditions of coming up at 815. >>george: jericho, we've had a stall report on the richness san rafael bridge. we expected to see some sort traffic across all lanes of there. it is a back up. in typical for this time of morning. also looking at some slowing go conditions for the san mateo bridge. we'll show you that in our next report. >>: a century old tree
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comes crashing down on cars. kron4's will tran has an update. >>: it could have been much worse. it could have fallen in a different direction and fallen on top of the house but instead it was these three cars. who were scared. that's just that's or spirit. --that were spared. this is the city of oakland pulling their right now to finish the job. this happened around 10:00 last night. it was simply just to wet in the ground cannot hold the tree up and it failed. fortunately no injuries and no debts. it rattled a lot of people. it wiped out power to that home there. those people it's a rental. a couple families live there so they're trying to find out the homeowner and for the homeowner to pay for this because that tree sits on their property. at
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730 we spoke to the owner of this car which suffered the most damage 3 issue as a young lady who parked the car much before the the tree fell for it but it was her birthday. and now she's grabbling this morning trying to figure out another car so she can get around. we will talk to the city crews and find out how much or how long it will take to clean up this job. they've been very busy overnight according to the oakland fire department three trees with this being the biggest one fell overnight in oakland. because the ground or simply as to what's the holdup of the trees. back to you. >>darya: and it is 4 year- old woman has died and five others were injured in a fire there and threw two buildings near the cow palace that cow palace in san francisco. the fire broke out around 530 last night on the seal street on geneva ave. it starred in a wedding building and then
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spread to the neighbor rebuilding 384 year-old jane thomas was killed. and of the five others went to the hospital to are in critical condition. >>: a monster earthquake in chile: the magnitude: eight-point- two. at least 5-people are dead. video shows people running for higher ground because of tsunami warnings. which are being extended to northernmost chile now. and geologists say an even bigger quake is coming. andrew spencer reports. an eight-point-two magnitude earthquake happened off the coast of northern chile, about 60 miles northwest of iquique, just before nine p- m local time. residents fled the coast when they learned the earthquake triggered a tsunami.
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officials announced tsunami warnings for chile, peru, and ecuador and watches for colombia, panama, and costa rica -- though those warnings were later dropped. the president of chile declared disaster areas in three northern provinces. "i would like to make a call to the people who live in the areas to keep calm, to follow the instructions of the local authorities, and local authorities, and do everything that is necessary to ensure the security of themselves and their families." several people were reported dead as the earthquake triggered small landslides and cut off phones and electricity. an earthquake expert here in our state -- in pasadena -- says his team can estimate the size of a new earthquake expected at some point. we expect about another 8.8, 8.9 earthquake here sometime in the future. could be tomorrow, could be in 50 years we do not know when its going to occur. but the keypoint here is that this magnitude 8.2 is not the large earthquake we were expecting for this area we're actually still expecting potentially an even larger earthquake. chile's leaders plan to survey the damaged areas today. >>darya:three-and-a-half- years after a pipeline exploded and destroyed a san bruno neighborhood, the u-s attorney has officially filed an indictment against
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p-g and- e for ignoring safety warnings and relying on bad information. it's being described by state attorney general kamala harris as an important step to hold p-g and e accountable for the 2010 pipeline explsoion that killed eight people and injured 58 others. the indictment filed today charges p-g and e with 12 felonies, accusing the company of violating several federal pipeline safety laws. according to the indictment, the agency willfully used false and incomplete information while checking the safety of the pipeline that eventually ruptured and destroyed 38 homes in san bruno. the indictment specifically looks at three different lines that were trouble spots -- one of which is said to be the highest risk of all. in 2011, investigators with the national transportation safety board learned p-g and e's use of the false information is what led to
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the explosion. a conviction on all 12 counts could cost the agency six million dollars. no person within the agency is named in the indictment, and while this is a criminal case, we don't know whether any person could go to jail if, indeed, p- and e is found guilty. p-g and e released a statement on the 12-count indictment. expressing regret about the incident. and all who were affected by it. p-g- and- e says it continues to make strides in the aftermath of the explosion. the agency recently opened the new gas control center in san ramon. and is also attempting to repair pipelines currently at risk. bulldog: oh boy!
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[doorbell rings] hey. hey. what's this? it's u-verse live tv. with at&t u-verse... you can watch live tv from your device. hey. hey. anywhere in your home. [doorbell rings] hey. hey. so you won't miss a minute of ncaa march madness. call now to get a u-verse bundle for the same great price for 2 years. guaranteed.
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dry conditions for most of tomorrow but we do have yet another system heading our way. i think most of the
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activity will be north of the golden gate bridge. check out the week and will see temperatures well above average. that is something we will continue to monitor. but a 16 let's get you out the door with george. >>: overall traffic is a little lighter than usual but we are san some areas of slowing here. your mid peninsula ride slows 0101 southbound from sfo leading down to highway 92. and a
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little bit beyond slow going down to hillsdale boulevard. at the bridges here bay bridge ride westbound grid look of that. completely cleared out. that's indicative of lighter than usual traffic for shore. and over at the san mateo bridge the westbound a ride across the span looks good because of an accident at the toll plaza that backed up all the traffic on to 92 coming over from calendar colander. and from the rich and san rafael bridge earlier of crime problems at the toll plaza have been clear now so what has been some trouble in getting through but toll lanes has been cleared. >>:
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ousted ukraine president is calling russia's annexation of crimea a "tragedy". viktor yanuk*o vych was speaking in his first interview today since fleeing ukraine. he says he hopes to persuade vladimir putin to discuss the conditions under which crimea could rejoin ukraine. russia annexed crimea last month following a referendum held after russian troops took over the region. great britain is covered with a film of red dust this morning. here's a picture of the smog in london. officials are warning anyone with heart and lung problems
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environmental officials say a combination of industrial pollution and dust from africa's sahara desert is making conditions across britain dangerous. the pollution is expected to ease by friday. it's been nearly a month since malaysian flight 370 disappeared -- and the intense search continues. ten aircraft from seven countries and nine ships are criss-crossing a 46- thousand-square-mile search zone. then two japanese planes headed out to join them, taking off from perth, australia. with so many planes in the
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skies over the search zone, australia sent an airborne air traffic control plane to guard against accidents. the first flights from the current search are expected to return this morning. the death toll in the washington mudslide continues to grow. right now 29 people are dead and 20 remain missing in the community of oso. officials say all but six of the victims have been positively identified. there ages range from 4 months to 71 years.
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receding floodwaters are now allowing searchers to reach places where it was inaccessible before. general motors c-e-o mary barra is back on capitol hill this morning-- to answer more questions about an iginition switch problem that is respindsible for at least 13 deaths. this time she testifies before a senate subcommittee. yesterday, barra told the house subcommittee that the automaker took too long in warning customers about a defective ignition switch.
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just recently, g-m has recalled some 2-point-6 million cars. the state senate leader has canceled a high-profile golfing fundraiser-- in the wake of criminal proceedings against three state senators. the senate president said that it would be inappropriate at this time to hold the pro tem cup this weekend at torrey pines golf course, in san diego. golf course, in san diego. ticket pa[doorbell rings] hey. hey. what's this? it's u-verse live tv. with at&t u-verse... you can watch live tv from your device. hey. hey. anywhere in your home. [doorbell rings] hey. hey. so you won't miss a minute of ncaa march madness. call now to get a u-verse bundle for the same great price for 2 years. guaranteed.
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are looking from support from capitol hill. the meetings are expected to give athletes a chance to spell out one of their chief concerns, which is providing for the medical needs of athletes. last week's ruling by a national labor relations board official in chicago said northwestern football i' beeclarin car for days. athe fst sn ofy alleies, myoctorecoendetaki one clarit eve day ofy alrgy asonor ntinus rief. 16ays! 26 ds ofontius rief. livelarin clr. everday. 26 ds ofontius rief.
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for the first time in more than 7 years. no u.s. military forces died last month in afghanistan. it's only the third time
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this has happened since the war began more than 12 years ago. the other months were january 2007 and july 2002. fourteen u.s. combat deaths have occurred this year in afghanistan, seven each in january and february. in all, 2,309 u.s. military members have died in afghanistan since hostilities began there on october 7, 2001. a former navy u-s intelligence agent who was convicted of spying for israel may be released soon as part of efforts to salvage mideast peace talks. jonathan pollard has been serving a life sentence since his conviction in 1987. his imprisonment has strained u-s relations with israel. but if he's set free and it leads to a final peace settlement, that would be a huge victory for secretary of state john kerry. who has worked for months to advance peace talks.
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but if this fails, it could be a costly embarrassment for the u-s. facebook executives brought home significant pay last year. in a regulatory filing on monday, the company disclosed that three of its top execs earned more than 10 million in salary, bonuses, and stock awards last year. facebook's c-o-o sheryl sandberg received a little over 16 million in 2013. c-e-o mark zuckerberg accepted a one dollar salary for the company had previously announced, following the examples of tech leaders like google's larry page and former apple c-e-o steve jobs. according to facebook's leading shareholder, zuckerberg had a net worth of 27 billion as of monday. the sole winner of february's 425- million powerball jackpot has come forward to claim his prize. the bay area man named raymond buxton says he purposely chose april fool's and he showed up to collect
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his fortune. in a shirt with a picture of yoda that read "luck of the jedi i have" buxton was getting lunch inside a gas station's convenience store in milpitas. when he decided to buy a second ticket. buxton chose to take the cash option. about 242- million dollars. before taxes. he says he will use some of his winnings to travel and set up a charitable foundation to help chlidren. by saving a small chunk of your tax refund, you could hit a 25-thousand-dollar jackpot. the nonprofit doorways to dreams fund has created a new lottery to encourage people to save rather than spend. for every 50 bucks of your tax refund you put in savings, you receive a chance to win 100 dollars during one of 100 weekly drawings. you'll also have a chance to win a 25-thousand-dollar
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grand prize. for the rules of the lottery, you can visit save-your-refund-dot-com. a north carolina burglar spends 10 hours in the vent shaft of an arby's. police say the man tried to sneak into the restaurant monday night by climbing on the roof and through the vent.
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he was discovered the next morning after an employee heard noises and called the police. the rescue crew had to cut
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the ventilation pipe and pull him through the roof to free him. the man was taken to the hospital with a broken arm. chrysler is recalling 870- thousand s-u-v;s for a brake defect. jeep grand cherokee and dodge durango suvs from the 2011 through 2014 model years are involved. the automaker says crimp joints in the brake boosters can corrode if they're exposed to water. if the water freezes, the boosters won't aid braking as they usually do. the company knows of one accident, but no injuries, due to the defect. chrysler has since changed the design to make the boosters more corrosion resistant.
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still ahead-- a 90-year-old tree crashes down onto parked cars and destroys a kids treehouse-- and in pleasant hill-- police warn students of a man groping girls as they walk to school. details coming up. new this morning, a tree nearly a century year old comes crashing down and has smashed a few cars. as far as this job and may take two to three hours to clean up and after that would be the insurance companies to deal with the cars and homes. fortunately no one was killed and 01 injured and that's the good news.
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>>: icy the ladder from the tree house. is that covered by insurance. >>: country cares about the tree house more than the actual house herself if you're a 10 year-old which is her age. she says her brother and her god their lives to talk about things. and that goes down as well. mom cares about the house. a 10 year-old goes cares about the tree house. fortunately the house was saved. >>dan: a few locations have are ready scene over 2 in. of rainfall. we did have a few lingering showers this morning and we have more wet weather on the way as we head into late tomorrow
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evening but for the rest of today dry conditions. temperatures right now in the forties. mostly sunny skies here in san francisco. you'll see that the rain as for the much dissipated on the satellite and radar imagery. expect the late showers. i will be talking about the spring of sunshine and warmer temperatures we will see coming next week 3 of villagers 7 day ground of a coming up at 845. here is george. >>george: san mateo and san mateo bridge are slow spots with heavy traffic leading down the bayshore freeway from just pass best a fall in north of millbrae downhills del. c-net earlier occurring problem. but the traffic coming off the bridges is not bad because there are problems getting to the bridge. there was an accident westbound at the toll plaza that's been backing up the westbound 92 ride leading to the bridge.
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the san mateo bridge westbound. you could see light traffic now because it's being metered in effect by the slow going that starts at about the shoreline interpretive center was about of the toll plaza. >>: thanks george. a warning to students in the as police say a man is east bay this morning. groping girls as they walk to school. it's happened twice already this week in pleasant hill. that's where we fin kron 4's mike pelton. mike.this seems to happen at the same time? fortune four authority's the high school students involved yesterday took a picture of the suspect as he ran away. here's the picture. you could see the man wearing a blue jacket near the intersection of. drive and violets. the victim is a student at college park high school. police a man possibly in his '40's ran up the grabbed her from behind and there ran that just ran away. this incident is almost
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identical to one that happened monday morning about 3 mi. from here there pleasant hills middle school along the contra costa canal to the school district says the two victims of or 1617 year-old. one high- school student tells me she is going to be little more vigilant. >>: it's really creepy that there's a guy out there touching people. like that's not okay. that's not ok at all. >>: despite the two incidents, police at this point do not have a detailed suspect image. coming up next you will hear from one parent to this morning tells me she's taking her family routine in the wake of these two incidents. >>:also in pleasant hill two people have been arrested in connection with a violent home invasion robbery. police say the robbery happened on sunday night
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when a man with a gun forced himself inside a woman's home. the man locked the woman and her mother in a room and stole a bunch of things, including the victim's car. then yesterday, police got a tip that led them to a man they think robbed those women. named david vancil. happening today. in the f- b-i sting involving suspended state senator leland yee: one of the key figures -- notorious former chinatown gangster raymond "shrimp boy" chow -- will be back in court today. officials say they hope to assign an attorney to him soon. he still doesn't have one because of conflicts with previous cases. chow has been convicted in the past of racketeering and drug distribution conspiracy. in all, 26-people are named in the complaint. one man is dead and another injured in a shooting in east oakland. the shooting happened at bromley ave around 11 last night.
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when officers arrived, they found two people injured. one man was pronounced dead at the scene and another man was transported to a hospital. police have not released information on the suspect. the shooting remains under investigation. the case of a missing marin man may now be solved. with the discovery of human remains found yesterday near a car that went down an embankment. this was on state route-one near bolinas. the c-h-p says the car is registered to robert davis, the san rafael man who vanished back in february. but the marin county coroner's office has not yet identified the remains. a caltrans crew spotted the car while checking for davis was last seen leaving marin joe's restaurant in corte madera. ve bn clitinlearor 6days
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at t m lergs, evy daof maln for ntinus rief. at t m lergs, 28ays conni
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>> welcome back. the time is 8:40 a.m.. here is a live look at the bay bridge toll plaza. the pavement is a drying out. this is a much lighter than usual right and we are incident free in san francisco. we are clear on all the approaches. the maligned the time is 8:40 a.m.. we will go live to boston, mass. where they are having the funeral for two fallen firefighters. this is happening right now in a suburban water time. the fire fighters all gathered
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this morning. both of them died fighting an apartment fire that happened last week. >> some people live in newtown, conn. stated that they want the shooters house tore down. they want to get donations, those who made the donation is what this property turned into a park, he shot and killed 21st graders and sex educator216 breaker0 six grader
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educators. >> there is an amazing shot for the warriors' last night will have highlights from their game last night. we will show you this coming up. >> here's a live shot from walnut creek.
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align >> from a dance to debates, parents have plenty of after-school activities to choose from from their children. in today's tech report caught rich demuro shows us a unique new place where kids do not just play with technology, they also learn how to create it. >> kids, love of technology. >> i am not going to help the many more with their homework, they are helping me. this typical one starts with sports, this is different. >> this is so neat. they're building things together, their favorite out how to make things work. they do not just play with this, they learn how to create it. this is the brainchild of a husband and at widespread >> this inspiration as our
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son, the wanted to explore technology. we thought, >> let me show you how you confine all of the toys. this is computers perhaps in more. >> this is 8¢ a sizer where you can make your all the vents and perform live again. >> anything that you want, how important do you think this says? >> the soccer field, is not want to pay your bills unless you are really, really good. being able to talk to these kids, in the
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media, this is important for it >> they can hang out with their friends, that can be creative. >> one of the big draws is that they created this and i have no doubt that this is one of changed the way we think about manufacturing. to learn more check this out, the tech >> we're in the weather center with erica. >> i know what a difference this breaks. here's a live look outside. we have some cloud cover but there is a lot the cover. the brand, is one to pass. san francisco is starting to warm up. 45 degrees for 7 to clara. expect a mixture of sun and clouds. the temperatures are born to be on the cooler
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side. if the temperatures are between seven to 10 degrees cooler. with that, lows 60s along the east bay shoreline pripet livermore is checking and 61. a little bit warmer in the afternoon. it is not a bad day, we had more rain on the horizon. >> there is some disagreement, but this is mainly going to be late thursday evening. we will continue with the possibility of scattered showers early. we're not going to be dealing with thunderstorms. the next one is not going to be a huge rainmaker. keep your umbrellas handy. warmer weather and we are above average. expect 80s in the forecast. >> that was a look at your weather. >> let's take it up to tahoe, they have really
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benefited from the snow. the bases set up a hundred and 4 in., 92 for chicago, kirk wood has five additional inches. base of 84. ski conditions if your headed in that direction. what about getting there? >> as we are monitoring a pretty good ride, we're not tracking any hot spots there are still areas of sluggish traffic like the bayshore freeway between san francisco. third st. on northbound side. your ride for mid peninsula is still sluggish leading down to millbrae pripet towards highway 92. no. bond ride, better than usual. across the bay, we are still backed up on 92 towards the toll plaza of the bridge. there was a it earlier coming problem. looking at the bay
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bridge, it is no longer a back up an easy ride and i am not sure if that turned the mean lights off but it will only add a few seconds. >> the trip to the san mateo bridge, this is a good condition in the westbound direction now that this accident has cleared the volume is up if you are going to the richmond san rafael bridge it is easy with no backups or delays. >> the oakland a's played a makeup game today. their game yes that was rained out against the cleveland indians. if you can see the soggy fields at the oakland coliseum. this is the first right now that they have had in 16 years. it has not happened here since 1998. the rescheduled debt as part of a double header. if you give buy tickets for last night's game is valid for today. >> the giants used to their
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only replay challenge after matt cain tried to pick off some one. the umpires reputed and called him safe. there really could use this letter on in the game, he should have been out. the giants cannot challenge this, the diamondbacks court, they won 5-4. >> baseball is back. but how much the cost you to go to the game? according to a report by team marketing, more than half of mlb teams have raised their ticket prices. the average ticket price across the leak is 2 percent higher read that means that a family of four will pay $110 to cheer on their favorite team. throw in a four hot dogs, two yearbeers, you will for over
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more than $140 on average. the top five teams with the most expensive tickets are, the new york yankees, chicago cubs, a philadelphia phillies, and san francisco giants. >> on to basketball, the warriors took on the mavericks'. stephen curry made a tie-breaking jumper in the final second overtime, to lift the golden state warriors to a 122-120 victory. coach mark jackson won on his 49th birthday. >> coming up, we will keep our eye on weather and traffic. it is cloud the outside. you concede that the roles are trying to dry out. 45 degrees for san mattel right now. .
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>> we have new video that we want to show you as we head into the 9:00 hour. april fool's prank went bad. this college employee is in trouble with the law. she went to send a text message to her daughter about a possible shooting at a virginia college. the door to the mess it seriously and called 911. >> it turned out of this was all the jokes, the daughter
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who made the 91 call will not be charged because she did not know. and as is proposing, the school officials said that they were very disappointed in the poor judgment of the employee. >> coming up on kron 4 news. dozens of rabbis are going bald. for a good cause. we will tell you why coming up. >> a san francisco snow border that went missing has now been found. we will tell you how he survived in the snow. >> we also have people behaving badly.
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>> mother nature did of the rest. you concede this tree crushed 3 cars per it was taking to the scene coming up. >> a powerful and deadly
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earthquake off the coast of chile. triggering a tsunami warning. >> and p-g-and-e facing federal criminal charges for the deadly explosion and fire in san bruno. >> we just have a breeze outside in san francisco. you concede the clouds are coming through. we did have a little activity at this morning. we have a few moderate shells. >> right now, the roads are dry, the temperatures are in the upper 40's, low 50's. it is want to be a cool capital. >> tomorrow, it will be mostly dry with the exception of the late evening. >> i will walk you through the exit of forecast and we can finally see 80s. that is coming up at 9:15 a.m.. >> we have great news about the ride, this is the bay bridge toll plaza, was gone,
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there is no longer take back up. even better, the metering lights have been turned off. >> that is how much lighter than usual this commute is. i will show you where the slow spots are coming up. >> new this morning, a tree standing for nearly 100 years falls. smashing three cars in its path. kron four's will tran is live at the scene along el dorado avenue in oakland. >> right now, its is the loudest st. in oakland because should have the chainsaws are busy at work because the city is out here removed and that from the sink. this happens around 10:00 p.m. last night, this tree was sitting, just fine but with all the heavy rain, it reached some ground and fell in the direction of these cars. it fell in this direction from you can see,
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this cars crushed, one of three that were damaged but unfortunately no one was there. there were people in the homes, this is one of three sings that the fire department had to scramble through to make sure everything was okay. they're obviously the board to remove this, up two to three hours for them to clear this up. some of these people, according to the city they have been working all night knowing has this happened where minor trees also fell down. >> an 84-year-old woman has died and five others injured after a fire ripped through two buildings near cow palace in san francisco. this is video from the scene. the fire broke out last night around 5:30 on
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castillo street and geneva avenue. it started at a wooden building and spread to a neighboring building. 84-year-old jane thompson died at the scene, five others were taken to the hospital. two of those victims remain in critical condition. >> *six people are dead this morning after a major eight point two magnitude earthquake hit off the northern coast of chile. you can see people running the streets of santiago. the quake could be felt as far away as peru and ecuador. more than 20 aftershocks have been reported. coming up in about 10 minutes. we'll have more on the earthquake and the tsunami fears it triggered. >> the u-s attorney has officially filed an indictment against p-g-and-e for the pipeline explosion that killed 8 people in san bruno three years ago. the indictment filed charges against p-g and e with 12 felonies, accusing the company of violating several federal pipeline safety laws. according to the indictment, the agency willfully used false and incomplete information while checking the safety of the pipeline
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that eventually ruptured and destroyed 38 homes in san bruno. a conviction on all 12 counts could cost the agency six million dollars. p-g and e released a statement on the 12-count indictment. expressing regret about the incident. and all who were affected by it. >> we are deeply sorry, we want all of all our customers and family know that nothing will distract road us from making our pipes and reliable. >> we talked to state senator jerry hill last hour and here is his response to the charges, >> now the citizens of san ramon will out see justice. i think this is their first opportunity. >> continues to make strides in the aftermath of the explosion. the agency recently opened the new gas control center in san ramon. repair pipelines
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currently at risk. >> and coming up on the kron 4 news. a bay area's note bordered managed to survive the sierra for days after a white out separated him from his father. we will tell you how he did it. >> here is a live look at sfo. 42 minute delays on are arriving flights because of sfo. 42 minute delays on are arriving flights because of the weather. [doorbell rings] hey. hey. what's this? it's u-verse live tv. with at&t u-verse... you can watch live tv from your device. hey. hey. anywhere in your home. [doorbell rings] hey. hey. so you won't miss a minute of ncaa march madness. call now to get a u-verse bundle for the same great price for 2 years. guaranteed. anncr: at jennie-o we heard of a place in iowa
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where every thursday people ride 10 miles for tacos. we thought we'd show up and surprise them with a better kind of taco made with jennie-o ground turkey cooked thoroughly to 165. i feed my kids turkey tacos over regular tacos any day. i think they are light and they are just fresh tasting. yeah. when i eat well, i feel well. anncr: it's time for a better taco. the tacos tonight were pretty much perfect. make the switch. look for jennie-o ground turkey in a store near you.
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>> welcome back. here is one of the places where we still have slow traffic thankfully, this is not a hot spot. the 101 ride is still 19 minutes from the capitol expressway. it is sluggish all around the 87 interchange. >> a snowboarder from san francisco -- who went missing in the treacherous back country of the sierra -- has been found alive. 26- year- old abraham finkelstein vanished monday in terrain that included step hillsides near the eight -thousand foot elevation mark.
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last night. he found a house miles away from where he went missing. and was able to call for help. he was with his dad when they were separated in the back-country north of donner pass and boreal ski resort -- in near white-out conditions. his dad made it back to their car around 5pm, but finkelstein never returned finkelstein was taken to a hospital to be treated for hypothermia. >> dozens of rabbis in chicago are going bald for a good cause. and they've almost reached their goal! 36 rabbis have been shaving their heads to raise awareness for pediatric cancer research. they say only four percent of federal funding in the u- s goes to cancer research for children. nearly two years ago, one of the rabbis' 8 year old son died from an acute form of leukemia. and that's how the whole cause was formed. the rabbis hope to raise 613-thousand dollars for research. they're already 93 percent to their goal. if you want to help out, we have a link on our web site
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kron four dot com. >> still ahead on the kron4 new is. coming up at 9:14 a.m.. will show you i woman had to be rescued from her car in a flooded road. >> at 9:25 a.m., a big payday for facebook executives. if we would tell you how much they're worth now.
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>> new video in this morning of a missouri woman who had to be rescued from her car after driving into a flooded road. this is video of the rescue. it happened in the town of hazelwood.
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the rescue took 40 minutes the road has been closed since this incident. water rescue crews were called in wednesday morning to get a woman out of her it happened on aubuchon road just after 6 a.m. aubuchon between highway 370 and teson road was covered with water. that stretch of road is now closed. the woman was rescued after about 40 minutes. drivers should use alternate routes along howdershell or lindbergh. >> we had degrees upper and that allowed for the snow for mt. diablo. right now, it is come outsidalm outside. 'e not seeing any variation for later on. by 3:00 p.m., we will see a lot of low 60's. san jose will have a
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high of 63 degrees. i think we will see low 60s along the peninsula. there's not much change along the peninsula. we have a dry-as we have a another system headed our way. honestly not that much, just a few sprinkles. release friday morning we may see a few stray showers. >> keep your umbrellas handy just in case. i do not think we will see a huge land maker of the seven day around the bay shows warmer weather, 70's expected by the weekend, above average, back in the '80s for the next work with. >> there is a lot to look for two. >> the time is 9:14 a.m.. >> we will update where we still have a little bit of slow traffic, there is not much, thankfully but the east shore freeway, the westbound direction had
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delayed accident in berkeley. that is the reason are the traffic is still sluggish coming through san pebble. also, the drive time is a 23 minutes. on a good steak, this would be about 67 minutes last. it is not a hot spot was floor, the good news is that we do get passed berkeley. you are going to get a line of traffic as your ride at the bay bridge toll plaza, the metering lights are off as they have been for over 15 minutes. >> westbound to the san mateo bridge has been had vague and we have two separate incidents on 92 westbound in the vicinity. this has been backing up but that a course, by the time you reach the bridge, the traffic has been out. >> finally your ride to the richmond san rafael bridge you are without delays for westbound ride. >> more now on the deadly
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earthquake that struck off the coast of chile last night. the 8-point-2 magnitude quake triggered landslides, knocked out power, and caused extensive damage. also setting off a tsunami warning. rafael romo has more. linthe ground and began to shake. >> terrified people rushed out of their homes and buildings when this sound started going off. >> the epic center, was located off the course some 60 mi. north. they issued the evacuation orders. >> what we have taxed citizens is to evacuate the coastal zone 100 percent. that is what we are working on. >> the earthquake was blamed for at least two massive
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fires. people fled and spent the night when they could fly higher ground. the president has been in office for less than a month, declared three problem since disaster areas. >> this country has been able to--i will like to call on people from the affected region to remain, and follow instructions so that we can ensure their safety. >> this is in the ring of fire. encircled the base, this area, has had frequent earthquakes. >> we expect a another earthquake to happen sometime in the future. it could be tomorrow, or in 50 years. we do not know when it will occur but the key point is that this is not the large one that we were expecting. >> some 500 people died in
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2010 when struck. this triggered a best- >> take a look at this animation the possible tsunami that was caused by the earthquake. the pacific tsunami warning center more than six-foot- tall tsunami waves washed ashore at the chilean port of pisagua. and the city of iquique saw seven-foot-tall waves. the warning has since been cancelled but people are being urged to stay away from coastal towns until officials can look at the damage. >> it's been nearly a month since malaysian flight 370 disappeared -- and the intense search continues. ten aircraft from seven countries and nine ships are criss-crossing a 46- thousand-square-mile search zone. then two japanese planes headed out to join them, taking off from perth, australia. with so many planes in the skies over the search zone, australia sent an airborne
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air traffic control plane to guard against accidents. the first flights from the current search are expected to return this morning. >> the death toll in the washington mudslide continues to grow. right now 29 people are dead and 20 remain missing in the community of oso. officials say all but six of the victims have been positively identified. there ages range from 4 months to 71 years. receding floodwaters are now allowing searchers to reach places where it was inaccessible before. >> general motors c-e-o mary barra is back on capitol hill this morning-- to answer more questions about an iginition switch problem that is respindsible for at least 13 deaths. this time she testifies before a senate subcommittee. yesterday, barra told the house subcommittee that the automaker took too long in warning customers about a defective ignition switch. just recently, g-m has
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recalled some 2-point-6 million cars. >> chrysler is recalling 870-thousand s-u-v;s for a brake defect. jeep grand cherokee and dodge durango suvs from the 2011 through 2014 model years are involved. the automaker says crimp joints in the brake boosters can corrode if they're exposed to water. if the water freezes, the boosters won't aid braking as they usually do. the company knows of one accident, but no injuries, due to the defect. chrysler has since changed the design to make the boosters more corrosion resistant. >> coming up on the kron 4 news. we have an update for the new jersey teenager who sued her parents for not paying her college tuition.
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>> a road rates incident caught on camera and florida. police in winter haven say that this big guy met at a mcdonald's drive- through after another customer pulls in front of him. so he got out, went over to the other car and punched the female passenger in the face. the man was later charged with a battery. >> there is good news for that 18 year-old new jersey student who sued her parents. rachel chaanning posted on facebook as she received a $56,000 scholarship to attend western new england university. she pursued her parents for child support, a private school and college tuition and payment for
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legal bills. the judge refused to issue heard the request. the teenager later dropped the lawsuit. >> in kentucky, six down, to to go. crews have pulled out another classic car from the sink hole at the national corvette museum in bowling green. this time it was the 1993 corvette spider. general motors owns the car, and date have not said what their plans are. >> facebook executives brought home a big paycheck last year. in a regulatory filing, the company disclosed that three of its top execs earned more than 10 million in salary, bonuses, and stock awards last year. facebook's c-o-o sheryl sandberg received a little over 16 million in 2013. c-e-o mark zuckerberg accepted a one dollar salary for 2013 although he did make 3.3 billion in the sale of stock the company had previously announced, following the examples of tech leaders
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like google's larry page and former apple c-e-o steve jobs. according to facebook's leading shareholder, zuckerberg had a net worth of 27 billion as of monday. >> a bay area man has come forward to claim his 425 million dollar powerball prize. raymond buxton says he purposely chose april fool's day to turn in his ticket. he showed up to collect his fortune. in a shirt with a picture of yoda that read "luck of the jedi i have" buxton was getting lunch inside a gas station's convenience store in milpitas in february. when he decided to buy a second ticket. he chose to take the cash option. about 242-million dollars. before taxes. he says he will use some of his winnings to travel and set up a charitable foundation to help kids. >> by saving a small chunk of your tax refund, you could hit a 25-thousand-dollar
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jackpot. the nonprofit doorways to dreams fund has created a new lottery to encourage people to save rather than spend. for every 50 bucks of your tax refund you put in savings, you receive a chance to win 100 dollars during one of 100 weekly drawings. you'll also have a chance to win a 25-thousand-dollar grand prize. for the rules of the lottery, you can visit save-your-refund-dot-com. >> coming up on the the kron 4 news. a warning for parents and children in the east bay. someone is groping grows as they walked to school. >> we're also going to update you on the corruption case involvingnew this morning, a tre raymond shrimp b
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why the alleged chinese crime boss does not have a lawyer yet. >> we're also watching bay area weather and traffic here is a live look outside at san francisco.
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>> new this morning, a tree nearly a century year old comes crashing down and has smashed a few cars. kron four's will tran is live in oakland where the tree fell. will? >> that will be here for another three hours. i am just amazed by people that some of them even smiled. i problem would be in tears and but she came out, she had a smile on her face, thankfully, no one was hurt. her car was crushed by this tree that came down at 10:00 p.m. last night. it fell away from our home, that is good new is but a tree house was crushed. it fell away from the home, crushed to cars. you can see, that the
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tree crew is here. this is a location that they had to scramble to. they had many others and i spoke with the city, as stated that people worked overnight. all this rain that fell, trees were just falling all over the place. >> this car is gone, unfortunate, no one was inside at the time. this is the bad news, she owes his car, this is our only car. she was celebrating her birthday yesterday. >> yes, i was part here, a couple of my friends were having dinner. this for my birthday, i came back, i walked down the street, i walked back up and wonder where my car was and then i saw the tree down, this was the last thought that i checked. >> actually, at the time, i
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could not see it then because it was completely covered. >> it was covered by darkness and at 100 year old tree. if she recognized that this was her car. here's the bad part, she thought that she found the premium parking, this is el dorado, look at how busy it is. this is-that's the city crews have to double park. i am used to this time i'd lived in areas like this before. >> yes, she thought this was her lucky day and it turned out to be a horrible birth date. >> well, i posted on my face book, the story, i am just hoping that someone does something. i know she is out, she can i get to work. but some time, people don't like things. >> i posted this on facebook and that it wants to help out, i have a phone number, however contact you. she just moved here, she came
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here, from the east coast, few months ago, then all of a sudden, this happens. >> i have received a lot of sympathy of people say they're sorry but no takers. tell her that we will keep a posted. i hope someone will come through. >> the tigers 9:33 a.m.. it looks like the rain has passed.time is 9:33 a.m.. it los like the rain has passed. >> we have very, conditions right now, you concede this. we mainly have blue skies, i think we will see a mixture of sun and clouds. in fact by lunchtime the temperatures will be in the mid 50s. by 3:00 p.m.,
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everything will start to climb. expect dry conditions for the next 24 hours but again, we may see north bay, coast showers. i will track the timing and i will bring up the weekend forecast, i will highlight the seven day around the bay coming up. the time is 9:34 a.m.. >> we have for it was a hot spot but it has improved, one all one in the southbound direction had a late accident. it does have things back up leading down to 92. overall, the traffic is still a lighter for most free ways. certainly, it is not an easy ride today or yesterday. we saw this on monday, deaths and lay some top a difference. the right here, the bay bridge toll plaza, is so light, was no backups that the metering lights were turned off over half an hour ago. >> a warning to students in the
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east bay this morning. as police say a man is groping girls as they walk to school. it's happened twice already this week in pleasant hill. that's where we find kron 4's mike pelton. mike.this seems to happen at the same time? >> pleasant hill police are taking this very serious. therefore to beef up security. a handful of officers patrolling this neighborhood showed where this high-school student, to the pitcher of the person who did this. this is not the greatest picture. the victim is 16 years old, college park high school that was walking about 7:30 a.m. when someone grabbed her and ran away. this is identical to something that happened a few miles from here. that involved a 17 year-old student. this morning, parents say that
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they're changing how their kids to class. >> i am concerned, i have a young daughter in the elementary school, i spoke to my husband and i usually let her walk with a friend. but now we will just drop cross. >> despite this been two incidents, they have no complete description of the suspects with this one, they cannot confirm if this person is the same. they're asking people with information to call police. >> also in pleasant hill two people have been arrested in connection with a violent home invasion robbery. police say the robbery happened on sunday night when a man with a gun forced himself inside a woman's home. the man locked the woman and her mother in a room and stole a bunch of things, including the victim's car. then yesterday, police got a tip that led them to a man they think robbed those women. named david vancil.
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>> coming up on the kron4 new is. austin firefighters pay their respects for two of their fallen colleagues. >> bay area baseball, the oakland a's get rained out, the giants face off against arizona. we will have the highlights. >> the rain gives way to sunshine this morning. here is a live look at the bay sunshine this morning. here is a live look at the bay bridge approach. way gets that staying sunshine this morning. here is a live look at the bay bridge approach. on budget can be a real bear. that's why... they've got lots of ways to save. real big club card deals, the safeway app and gas rewards. this week... life's just a little sweeter with delicious red seedless grapes just $1.99/lb. clean up with bounty paper towels, only $8.99 for 8 large rolls and honey bunches of oats are just $1.88. there's more savings to safeway.
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ingredients for life.
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>> welcome back. there is slowing on 85 in the north lawn direction. today, this should be completely green, it is not because of an accident and fremont's but again, this is lower the what we hoped for but still not bad enough to call a hot spot. >> new into the nose room.ews r.
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boston firefigters. leaving early this morning to formally pay respects to two fallen colleagues. a funeral mass for lieutenant edward walsh is scheduled this morning at saint patrick's church in suburban watertown, where he grew up. walsh died alongside michael kennedy. kennedy's wake is scheduled for this afternoon. his funeral will be held tomorrow. both men died fighting a nine-alarm apartment fire last week. >> some people live in newtown, conn. say that they would sandy hook elementary school sure adam anza'lanza's house torn down. the
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suggestion came in response to a survey that was sent out by the new town sandy hook community foundation. the foundation has decided to give out more than $11 million in donations. those who made the suggestion about the house what a property to be turned into a park.
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>> this just into the kron4 news room. a magnitude 5.8 earthquake has just struck the coast of panama. this happened about 30 minutes ago. we do not have any video on any damage or injuries. >> happening today, the fbi sting investigation involving the suspended state senator is back on. one of the key figures, notorious former chinatown gang start raymongangster raymo
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chow will be back in court today. he still does not have an attorney. he has been convicted in the past of racketeering and drug distribution. >> the reason stunts have helped boost the state water levels but not enough to reverse the drought. the california department of water resources said that california still pack is only a 32 percent of normal. it comes at a time of the year when the snow pack is supposed to hit its peak. >> we did get pretty impressive amounts of grain. we are heading up to mostly sunny skies and the temperatures are starting to climb. san francisco is at 51 degrees. you can see that the rain is dissipating. it looks like we will be counting on dry conditions for the next 24 hours. it also will be a cooler afternoon. the temperatures will be three to seven
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degrees corporate oakland will have a high of 62. lows 60's for san ramon. the temperatures will be in the upper 50s along the coastline. again, cool conditions for today. later ron, the computer models are shown the possibility upon showers. nothing to organized and this system will bring less than a quarter of an inch. keep your umbrellas handy. >> for the weekend, the seven day around the bay shows warmer weather, we will continue with the sunshine and the temperatures will climb and we will see temperatures in the '80s. we are above average there, as we take a look at the skium report, if your headed to the resort, they benefited from the cold front. sierra tahoe has a base of 104. 2 in. of
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additional small. sugar bowl has a base of 92 in.. kirk wood has a base of 84. the time is 9:47 a.m.. good morning. we are looking good on the east shore freeway. >> this is just heavy coming down from albany to berkeley. and easy ride for the rest of the east shore freeway, if you turn this way you will have light enough traffic that the metering lights have been turned off. the san mateo bridge, traffic is getting back to normal, there was a backup on 92, leading to a quality work roads. two separate incidents the back door to ride coming over from 880, the ride to the richmond san rafael bridge, no delays for westbound 580 to richmond, >> the warriors' and the mavericks in dallas. stephen
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curry met a tie-breaking jumper in the final seconds of overtime. this lifted the golden state warriors to a victory, 122-120. this was a great birthday present for mark jackson, he turned 49. >> the oakland a's play make a game today due to the rain. you can see the seals at oakland coliseum. this has happened since 1998. for the giants, it was an instant replay trouble. they use their only replay challenge after matt cain tried to pay off aj pollock. that really could have used every play a few plays later. the diamondbacks court, later tied the game
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and eventually won 5-4. >> baseball is back. they did a study by team marketing more than half of the mlb teams have raised their ticket prices the average ticket price across the lake rose 2%. for a family of four, the average cost is zero hundred and $10. if you add the food that is another $140 and average. the top five teams with the most expensive tickets are the new york giand yankees, the chicago cubs, philadelphia phillies, and the san francisco giants. >> (male annoucer): now here is stanley roberts who found some people behaving badly. >> on the oakland side of
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durant the speed limit is 30, on san leandro it is 25. i am not making this up, on the oakland side they have trash and mattresses. on the san leandro side they have other spirit >> they both share the same problem, speeders. >> this is the main drag, this is forgetting to the freeway, macarthur or quantities to 14. >> actually, this is not the main drag, however drivers are treating it this way. it has became so bad that they installed speed bumps. >> apparently, the speed bumps are just what they are. the drivers are still speed over them. like this driver, this driver, and this driver. >> well, i guess it is safe to say that these are not doing the trick. speeding
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has not been new here. >> back in the '60s, they use the polls speed limit signs on this pole, that would write down the license plate numbers. >> and of the problem, no trucks over here are permitted. this is ignored, cars are also getting sideswiped. some drivers have just decided to park on the sidewalk. >> now, this is what it becomes interesting. two cities, they should have double the police coverage but think again. oakland p d basically just ignores history. this was damaged by a police pursuit. >> this used to be a tree but now it is a stunt. >> also this was damaged by a driver. >> residents have gone together to try and slow people down. they performed --started a task force. in
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oakland, in san leandro stanley roberts kron 4 news. >> coming up on the kron 4 news. there are more razor blades been found in a park where children play. could this be a copycat case?
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>> this has happened again, razor blades are being found taped to playground equipment. this time this is that a park outside of philadelphia. police said that these blades could have easily injured children. maintenance personnel found them first. last week, up 40 some western illinois found this. a dozen of razor blades were glued to playground equipment in a park. a two-year old cut his finger. >> this x-ray pretty much
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says the law, a chain saw barely missed a major artery in a pennsylvania man's neck. the tree cutter was working in an unusual ankle to avoid power lines. the blade of the chainsaw went through his left shoulder and cut into his neck. doctors say that it missed everything vital pripet >>. here is a look at the seven day around the bay. >> we have a few chances of rain for the next couple of days but the weekend, we're quite a warm-up to 80 or above. thank you for joining us. >>
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>> announcer: today on an all-new "dr. phil." a wedding day disaster. >> the driver gunned it. my dress got caught. >> dr. phil: she was dubbed the brought that was run over by a minivan. >> dr. phil: i was dragged 20 feet. >> dr. phil: how did you wind up out in the parking lot in a brawl? >> announcer: a family torn apart. >> i felt the wheel run up my leg. >> announcer: and pointing fingers. >> i blame them for what happened to my dad. >> dr. phil: what do you think she's covering up? >> dr. phil: let's do it. >> have a good show, everybody. here we go. >> dr. phil: i hate to see people suffering. you've hurt long enough. >> stand by, dr. phil. >> dr. phil: i'm going to get you the help you need. this is going to be a changing day in your life. >> dr. phil: the flowers, the cake, the gown, the glitter and glamour of getting married. it's supposed to be the best day of a


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